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Good 2 Go?

Are you Good to Go?  Is your life in order?  Is your heart in order?  Is your relationship with God in order?  That is the most important question.  Is your relationship to God right?  Are you G2G?  Are you Good 2 Go to heaven when your life here is over?

Many will say well I think so. Some will say I am a pretty good person.  Maybe some would be honest and say I don’t think about those things but right now, I’m just living life. 

The greatest selling book of all time, the Bible is full of life lessons about those who were ready to go and those who were not ready to go.  As a church we want everyone to be G2G.  Good to go.  So our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus with everyone we can.

The truth is we have all messed up really bad at times, we have lied or stolen or been involved in various behaviors that are wrong both morally and spiritually.  The Bible calls those behaviors sin.  One of the books inside the Bible called Romans tells us that the wages of sin is death.  Wow!  We get paid for our sin!  Unfortunately, that payment is death and eternal separation from God and everything good.  But there is Good News!  That same book of Romans tells us also that God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!  That is amazing that God sent His Son Jesus to pay off our sin debt so we could be forgiven and be G2G!  So how do we get our sin paid off?  We come to God and confess to Him that we have sinned.  We then repent or turn away from our sin and commit ourselves to being a follower of Jesus.  It’s a process that usually begins with a prayer but is really a life transformation that happens.

G2G people have the life of God living in them through the Holy Spirit so God gives us the understanding and the power to live lives that are amazing!  That is because we are now in fellowship with God and our sins are forgiven.  We are G2G.  There are a few more details we would like to share with you just drop us a email or call or text to connect!

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